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21 janvier 2008 1 21 /01 /janvier /2008 08:11

Martin Luther King Day is a federal holiday in the USA. MLK's birthday is celebrated on the third Monday in January each year.

In 2008, it falls on the 21st of January.


MLK was born in Atlanta on the 15th of January 1929. He was a minister of the Baptist church in Montgomery.
He became a very famous leader of the civil Rights Movement : black boycott of segregated bus lines with Rosa Parks in 1955-56,  March on washington and speech :"I have a dream" in 1963, ...
He was assassinated in 1968.

If you want to know more about MLK, you can go on Fact Monster website.
or you can click here

Here's a slideshow on Martin Luther king's  timeline

"I have a dream" Martin Luther King  speech
Diaporama + MP3

March on Washington and speech "I have a dream" (1963)

Obama's MLK Speech (21/01/08)

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