Music !

Musique pouvant être utilisée en cycle 2 ou 3 (A1)


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25 octobre 2007 4 25 /10 /octobre /2007 12:58


cloud-1.png lightening-bolt.png rainbow.png snowflake-sm.png sun-kicking-blue.png rain.png windy-5.png

What am I?

I am hot.
I live in the sky.
I am bright.
Don't look straight at me.
I disappear in the night.


answer :the sun

 What am I?

I am white, grey or black.
I live in the sky.
I look like a sheep.
I can hide the sun.


answer : the cloud

What am I?


I am invisible.
I live in the sky.
I can be strong or weak.
I can blow.
Sailing boats love me


answer :the wind

What am I?


I am transparent.
I wet.
You need an umbrella
to protect yourself against me.
I disappear when the sun comes out.


answer : the rain

What am I?


I am very very cold.
I am white.
I live in the clouds.
You can throw me.
You can make scultpures with me.


answer : the snow

What am I ?

I am dangerous.
I have yellow or white lightnings.
I can make a terrible noise.
When you hear me
you plug your ears !

answer : the thunderstorm

What am I ?

I am a beautiful arc.
I live in the sky.
I am blue, green, yellow,
orange, pink, purple and red.
I appear when there is rain and sun.

answer : the rainbow



What am I?

I am green, red or yellow.
I am sweet.
You can drink my juice.
You can make good pies with me.
I am the symbol of New York City.


answer :  an apple

What am I?

I am orange.
I can be scary.
You can carve me.
You can eat me.
I am a symbol of Halloween

answer : a pumpkin

What am I ?

I am green
I am small
I am round
When you eat me
I am never alone.

answer : a pea /peas

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